Why Cache Data?When working with RDDs and DataFrames in Apache Spark, caching plays an important role in optimizing performance. Even though RDDs and…Jan 17Jan 17
Published inTowards DevViewing the Schema of a Parquet FileIn the world of big data, efficient storage and retrieval are paramount. Parquet, a popular columnar storage format, excels in these areas…Oct 24, 2024Oct 24, 2024
Published inTowards DevStep-by-Step: Processing Structured Text Data with PySparkSample Data in the text FileOct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
Published inTowards DevPySpark scenoriesYou have a DataFrame containing a list of transactions for each user. Your task is to calculate the total amount spent by each user.Sep 17, 2024Sep 17, 2024
Published inTowards DevFind a list of team names and then generate all unique combinations of team pairs.Lexicographical Order in SparkJun 29, 2024Jun 29, 2024
Published inTowards DevIdentify and print duplicate elements in a list**If we use Counter from the collections module, the output will be a Counter object that counts the occurrences of each element in the…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Published inTowards DevSimplifying Bidirectional Flight RecordsHandling flight data often involves managing routes where flights travel from one city to another and back.Jun 5, 2024Jun 5, 2024
Published inTowards DevCount the occurrences of charater in the string columnYou have a list of names. You want to count how many times the letter ‘a’ appears in each name and display the results as a table with two…May 29, 2024May 29, 2024
Published inTowards DevHow can tables stored in Snowflake be accessed within Databricks?Mar 22, 2024Mar 22, 2024
Published inTowards DevRetrieve the employees along with the employer details whose first employer is Microsoft and next…Mar 10, 2024Mar 10, 2024